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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Quest i-poon

A quest inspired by GodTower made by Thai. Nothing to say. . Just try it yourself !!

For those who knows already. .
Here is what you're looking for. . . The Hints!!!

NOTE: The RULE here is not to tell the ANSWERS. Thanks

Level 1
. . . 1+1 . . what else do I have say -*-

Level 2
Password is hidden somewhere…
Told you it’s “hidden somewhere…”
Still don’t get it? I will tell you again the
password is hidden somewhere…

Level 3
Password is under water
Just ask your keyboard

So.. what’s under w a t e r on your keyboard?

Level 4
Read the picture out loud, and you will
probably get it.

Level 5
Looking for The hidden big eye. The password
was kept in the center.The name of that place

It’s in the map. There’s only one thing that
looks like a big eye. (Don’t move the page too

Level 6
Password is not numbers.It’s hard to get password if you’re using

What does the set of numbers tell you?
123 draw the lines!!
**the answer is in caps and has a meaning

Level 7
Correct the mistake in darkness They need more contrast, not brightness.
Use your photoshop for help. Change the
contrast, and you’ll see something.
**the answer has a meaning

Level 8
Now you face the mirror in the darkness.Use your wisdom!!

Do the same as you did in number 7. Face the
mirror (mirror image), what does the picture
look like? type in according to the numbers.

Level 9
Numbers of emergency call. Do not push repeatly.

Use your mobile phone for help. Have you ever
send a text msg?

Level 10
Look in the space.Tell me his last name.Sorry, I’m always miss spelling.

The word he miss spelled is Look. Actuall it’s
a name of a character in a space movie ( the very
famous one).

Level 11
It comes before this level. They’re everywhere!!

It comes before this level means it comes
before 11.
**there is no letters in the answer

Level 12
I need their heads.Gather them and put the caps on.Did you know chemistry?

The first letters of the words..is what to what? Sounds
like something in chemistry huh? Change it
into a common name with caps on.

Level 13
#6anana What color? Don’t think too much.

Yeah, right don’t think too much. 6anana read
it!! What color is it?

Level 14
Not everyone will found it.Depend on which cell you use.

Use your excell.

Level 15
There’re too much. I need just one.

Use a program to help, photoshop would be
nice. Crop and zoom. He wants only one line.

Level 16
If you don’t give up. I won’t tell you.

So, give up. . .

Level 17
Password of level -1 is “zero”

You know the password of level -1, then can
you load it from the first page?

Level 18
There has no border between day and night. Same thing in daylight can be look different in night.

Look carefully at the letters.

Level 19
Tell me where the center of the world is? Type it directly.

There only one center, it doesn’t change wherever
you move.**the answer is not letters nor numbers.

Level 20
Put the cap on. Grab your key board.Now, kill until cat die. Does cat has 1 life?

Do as the direction says. Does kill sound like
anything on the keyboard? And how many lives does a cat have?

Level 21
Please remove only what you see. May the wisdom and mathematics be with you.

There’s a picture hiding below. Use the same
trick to see what’s there. The number..does
it seem familiar?

Level 22
Everyone have blood. And blood has password. Read blood drips.

Count the blood bags, and the blood droplets. Does the bags represent something, and the droplets is the number of that something. Then
read it.

Level 23
Whose is that lamb?

Is there a song… something little lamp?

Level 24
Password is in here.

Type what’s in there. But if nothing is
there..so what!?

Level 25
Find the triangle and give me the name.

See the name of the places. You will find a
name of the triangle, a very famous one.

Level 26
Do what Allen wants.

Follow the link, and see what she wants.

Level 27
Put the right time in the right place. Don’t
miss any second. When it’s right, you make a Checkmark, right?

What does a check mark look like? If you place
is on a clock, then what time it is?
**the answer is in the form –:–:–

Level 28
You must escape to underwater. Go deepest and you will found it. Don’t think too much.

escape…sounds like something on your
keyboard? Use the same trick as in the under
water, but here go deepest.**the first letter of the answer is caps on.

Level 29
I need this result. For thai people, this is not some TV station

Use the set’s intersection theory.
For example; cat ham ban.. the only common
thing of these three words is a, so the ans is a.
What about this picture, what words should
you use to find the intersection?

Level 30
Collect everything that you ever cut them off. Rearrange and take them out of cap. Level 11 will tell you where you have to start.

Start from number 7, what are the things you
cut out? Rearrange it into a word.

Leve 31
(No caps, but spaces.)
It’s a phrase.

Level 32
inicesicepiceiraiceticeionice Burn it!!Remain after burn.

What can you burn in the word? The answer is
what is left after it’s burned.

Level 33
Give it gravity.
Let the dots fall, what word does it form?

**What hit the head of that guy who discovered
the gravity??

Level 34
Click here, press backspace, then press it
hard.Because you press it so hard. It become
smaller. Don’t give me any caps. But space and glass
would be nice.

Follow the directions, it will lead you to level
33. What’s the answer for level 33? Press it
hard until you can put it in a glass. Now what
you call it?

Level 35

How many shirts are there? Does it sound like anything?

Level 36
How much it cost? (US Dollar)

Don’t forget the fact that it’s torned.

Level 37

Look at the name of the episode. Do as it
tells you to.
**the answer has no space in between

Level 38
a b c d f g h j k m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Some miss never miss.

There something to do with the missing letters
and the miss. What miss.. never miss?

LeVeL 39
Solve the equation, and you’ll know what to do.

Level 40
Ask Courier

Use notepad, or MSword for help. Is Courier a
name of something?

Level 41
There’re too much. I need just one.
Don’t worry about level 15.

He said he need just one, so you consider only the number “one”
Count it, and read it… a=1

Level 42

I’m the biggest collector of the world.
Here is list of countries I ever go.

Look at the list carefully. Collect the special size letters.

Level 43
8 + 90°

What do you get when you rotate the 8 in 90 degrees?

Level 44
Do not count SIN and TAN, just count only COS.

This one is tricky. Just count the C(R)OS(S)

Level 45
Change “HTML” to “PHP”.
You don’t have enough information.


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Anonymous said...

plz someone help me with 38. I don't get the question and the hints, and i guess it's an easy one cause there are almost no questions about it but i can't figure it out!!! plz plz plz T.T

Anonymous said...

For 38: What are the (three) missing letters from the alphabet?
They go with a word that keeps getting mentioned in this question to make a new word.

Anonymous said...

lvl 7 **the answer has a meaning

i get Whisdom in picture but it doesn't work ?

Anonymous said...

Hey, the e1even year old gifted hippy is back and is now 12! Oh and I was also Megan . . . anyway . . . so now I'm 12 and I STILL can't get #41! It is confusing me! I understand he wants 1's only, and 1=a, 11=b, but it just isn't working. Could somebody explain it just a tad further? I don't need an answer. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm doing better than most of the 40 year olds on here, so don't you dare say I'm "just dumb and need to use my head more."

Anonymous said...

41: 1=a, 11=b, etc. Ignore the zeroes, group all the ones together, and assign them letter values. It should make a word.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lvl 39 I solved the equation and now what? What to dooo?

Anonymous said...

for lvl 15 if it came out txooxt it means you cropped it at the wrong place!

I don't get lvl 46! it says the answers is p o l! wtf is that?

Anonymous said...

I kinda don't get lvl 47! Does it mean (666666+222222)-Password=picture
or (666666+222222)-picture=password or sth like that?

Anonymous said...

I kinda don't get lvl 47! Does it mean (666666+222222)-Password=picture
or (666666+222222)-picture=password or sth like that?

哈种种 (miloservic) said...

lv49,I just finished it.

Anonymous said...

for anyone who cant get number seven do not use photoshop use paint and use fill on picture

A J said...

level 41- i just figured it out! if 1 = a, then 111 = c, 1 = a 111111 = f. . . c-a-f. . .

Anonymous said...

44 is soooo simple, i got in the first time! look at the hint: just count the C(R)OS(S), so just count the number of crosses in the image! duh!

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