Hi!! In this blog, you'll find many things about photoshop and design, such as the photoshop tutorials, some tips on photo editing, and a lot more!  

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Make Your Own Photoshop Brushes

Hi all, today I'd like to share with you 'How To Make Your Own Photoshop Brushes". For all time, I thought it would be very hard because of the long tutorials I've always found, but actually it turns out to be REALLY EASY!!

Firstly, you can watch this video to get some ideas on how (easy it is) to make the brush. This one is short, simple, and easy, but I feel a little dizzy watching the zoom in, zoom out all the way.

After watching the video, you'll see that the step is VERY simple. I'll conclude for you here.

1. Draw anything that you would like for your brush.
2. Crop it.
3. Go to Edit -> Define Brush Preset
4. Name your brush.
5. That's it! You are ready to use it as a brush.

Now, have fun making your brushes. See you next time. :D


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Twin Xl said...

Nice video I really like that video. Thanks for sharing

Taxation Canberra said...

I am looking for a long time this kind of tutorial. I love making things in photoshop and I’ve already used almost all its components. Now, I have the chance of making a new brush. Thanks a lot for this.

Medical trials said...

I never thought that making Photoshop brushes is just this simple. I have now lots of ideas on what kind of brush I will make. This post really helps me a lot right now and for my next projects.